
2024-05-18 21:06

1. 比较远期外汇合约、外汇期货合约、期权合约、货币互换这四种套期保值方法在交易风险管理中的利弊。

远期外汇合约(foreign exchange forward transaction ) 又称期汇交易,是指买卖外汇双方先签订合同,规定买卖外汇的数量、汇率和未来交割外汇的时间,到了规定的交割日期双方再按合同规定办理货币收付的外汇交易。


外汇期权(foreign exchange options)也称为货币期权,指合约购买方在向出售方支付一定期权费后,所获得的在未来约定日期或一定时间内,按照规定汇率买进或者卖出一定数量外汇资产的选择权。 外汇期权是期权的一种,相对于股票期权、指数期权等其他种类的期权来说,外汇期权买卖的是外汇,即期权买方在向期权卖方支付相应期权费后获得一项权利,即期权买方在支付一定数额的期权费后,有权在约定的到期日按照双方事先约定的协定汇率和金额同期权卖方买卖约定的货币,同时权利的买方也有权不执行上述买卖合约。

货币互换(又称货币掉期)是指两笔金额相同、期限相同、计算利率方法相同,但货币不同的债务资金之间的调换,同时也进行不同利息额的货币调换。简单来说,利率互换是相同货币债务间的调换,而货币互换则是不同货币债务间的调换。货币互换双方互换的是货币,它们之间各自的债权债务关系并没有改变。初次互换的汇率以协定的即期汇率计算。货币互换的目的在于降低筹资成本及防止汇率变动风险造成的损失。 货币互换的条件与利率互换一样,包括存在品质加码差异与相反的筹资意愿,此外,还包括对汇率风险的防范。


2. 金融衍生工具中option,forward,futures的区别


1) 标的物不同。期货交易标的物为商品或期货合约,期权交易标的物为商品或期货合约选择权的买卖权利
2) 投资者权利与义务对称性不同。期货合约为双向合约,双方都要都要承担合约到期交割的义务;期权是单向合约,买方在支付保险金后取得履行或不履行合约的权利。
3) 履约保证不同。期货合约买卖双方都要缴纳一定数额的履约保证金,期权交易中只要求卖出方缴纳履约保证金。
4) 现金流转不同。期权交易中,买方向卖方交付保险费,为期权的交割,期权合约可以流通;期货交易中,买卖双方均需缴纳初始保证金,交易期间根据价格变动对亏损方收取追加保证金。
5) 盈亏特点不同。期权买方收益随市场价格的变化而变动,亏损只限于购买期权的保险费,卖方收益为出售期权的保险费,亏损不固定;期货交易双方面临无限盈利和无止境亏损。
6) 终结方式不同。期货交易可以平仓或是实物交割终结交易;期权交易有平仓、执行和到期三种终结方式。
7) 合约数量不同。期货合约数量固定而有限。期权合约数量较多。
8) 套期保值效果不同。运用期货进行套期保值,将不利风险和有利风险均转移出去;运用期权套期保值,只将不利风险转移,将有利风险保留。

option :期权是一种选择权,表示在特定的时间,以特定的价格交易一定量某种金融资产的权利。
1) 两者均为以买卖远期标准化合约为特征的交易;
2) 期货市场价格对期权交易合约的行权价格及权利金的确定均有影响。
3) 期货市场发育乘数和规则完备为期权交易产生和开展创造条件。期权交易扩大丰富期货期货市场的交易内容。

3. 银行的金融工具有哪些



4. 外汇:英语翻译成汉语:汉语句子对不对?


5. 外汇:Currency Futures,Options and Swaps 的中文是什么?

Currency Futures,Options and Swaps 

外汇:Currency Futures,Options and Swaps 的中文是什么?

6. 有些专业性比较强的东西,哪位高手帮忙翻译一下


The parent company and subsidiaries of transnational corporations among the host of property transfer, personnel transfer, technology transfer, transfer of profits, the channels of financing choices and so bear the parent company of manipulating the overall brand. 
Conclusion: The cross-border financial risk management measures 
1, from the dimensions of transactions, derivative financial instruments is currency risk management of multinational corporations an effective means. 
Trading and clearing risk management is the first business to join in the protection of the contract terms or as a choice of hard currency denominated currency. As payment of receivables and the two sides are "a zero game" (Zero-sum Game), the protection of terms and are often denominated in the currency of choice and can not be universally applicable, only products or services in a dominant position in the market Position when applicable. Effective risk management transactions is to derivative financial instruments used effectively. For example, the euro-denominated accounts receivable at the time in the futures market to euro bulls. Accounts receivable expires, the euro futures positions. In the spot market and futures market price convergence under the law, we can use the futures market offset the profit loss on the spot market, or cash market on the profits make up for losses on the futures market, and hedging purposes. Comparison of commonly used financial derivatives, including currency forward contracts, currency futures, currency options and currency swaps, and so on. 
2, from the business dimension, the rate of exchange rate movements and transnational value chain management as the key input variables. 
From the traditional evaluation of capital projects NPV model, in multinational operations under the conditions become very unconvincing. Donald Lessard (1985) designed a model of APV, to enable multinational companies to overseas capital expenditure evaluation analysis. The model of the host country currency-denominated cash flow into the home country currency cash flow, and the merger of foreign capital in projects often encountered in a number of special cash flow. In this model, the host country currency-denominated cash flows are t in the long-term exchange rate conversion as the home country currency-denominated cash flow. At the same time, the home country tax laws often provide for not more than the domestic tax obligations of the host country has implemented tax credits to a certain extent, the model used in the home country and the host country in the tax rate to as the marginal tax rate. The APV model will be changes in exchange rate risk and rates, as two important factors to input variables, better consider the currency risk and the tax system. At the same time, the APV model also considered to attract foreign investment conditions, the parent company at a lower interest rate and foreign loans to get the proceeds of discounted value. 
In addition, in the face of transnational mergers and acquisitions in recent years showed the tide of Chinese enterprises in addition to playing resources and cost advantages, acting according to our capability, but also need to closely rely on foreign-related Chinese government departments and foreign institutions. Transnational mergers and acquisitions, these departments and overseas institutions in the provision of information, coordination of the market, investment guarantees, mergers and acquisitions of credit coordination, business and diplomatic support to assist and a series of links play a role. At the same time, the host for the acquisition of the host country political risk assessment, assess the value of target companies, cash flow capacity to pay, after the completion of the reorganization merger integration system must be proof, if necessary, the help of the international professional intermediaries. 
3, from the dimensions of control, financial management system innovation is facing multinational corporations in China before the major issue. 
TNCs effective money management system can be used to reduce the cash balance of payments and foreign exchange expenditure, and to multinational companies from the investment of surplus money get the most benefits. Corporations should establish a centralized cash management system, the system is the key to the establishment of a multilateral pay for a haircut (Multilateral Payment Netting) and the Centre for Settlement (Netting Center). The multilateral system is a haircut so that multinational companies overseas divisions among the members of the various accounts-dollar debt and settle mutual claims the financial system. Through multilateral payments offset the matrix, the multinational corporations of the International Centre for Settlement of the transaction volume of remittances to at least reduce, reduce transaction costs, and access to surplus money the opportunity to return on investment. In addition, multinational corporations are often in the foreign exchange control and tax benefits favourable national and regional counting centres set up re-development, through the development of votes to re-payment of overseas subsidiaries control, and strengthen internal cash flow management of multinational corporations. Re-invoicing centre as a tool for multinational companies focus on pay, compensation for the use of the host country usually subsidiaries. This system of compensation for the use of the profit from other subsidiaries transferred to the host country re-invoicing centre, thus reducing the overall tax burden of transnational corporations. Through the re-development of counting centres on foreign currency transactions, access to the scale advantages, reduce transaction costs and reduce currency risk.

7. 期权期货与远期外汇的不同



8. 外汇期货,外汇期权,远期外汇的相同点,与不同点

